August 28, 2019 10:55 pm
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It’s no secret that there’s a lot of chlorine in the vast majority of municipal water sources. This is because chlorine is an excellent disinfectant—even in very small doses, chlorine is capable of killing off many of the microbial entities that may otherwise lead to serious illness or death. However, there is a dark side to treating municipal water supplies with chlorine. While chlorine is indeed beneficial in the vast majority of cases, it can also lead to some unintended side effects. It’s important to understand the harmful effects of chlorine in Vacaville, CA so that you can take the... View Article
August 14, 2019 10:55 pm
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If you draw your water from a municipal source, you’re likely a little concerned about the chemicals used to treat your water, and for good reason. Some municipal water sources contain high concentrations of fluoride and chlorine, while others that rely on aging infrastructure may even contain lead and other heavy metals. If you use a residential well as your primary water source, you likely have even more to worry about—you have to ensure that you’re removing potential bacteria, contaminants and minerals from your drinking water. Many people believe, however, that a water filter installed at the place where you... View Article
July 26, 2019 1:53 am
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Having issues with your sewer line? Here are some of the questions we most frequently receive about sewer line repair in Vacaville, CA. Hopefully these provide some helpful clarity! Q: What makes sewer lines fail? There are several common causes of sewer line failure. A total failure of a sewer line isn’t that common, so the likely list of factors for your situation is going to be pretty short. Tree roots on your property could grow down in search of water and interfere with your sewer line, which could result in a blockage or leaks. Other types of obstructions can... View Article
July 12, 2019 1:53 am
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You probably don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about your water heater unless something suddenly goes wrong with it. But as a homeowner, it can be helpful for you to at least have a basic understanding of the function of a water heater and the various components that comprise it. With this in mind, here’s a quick look inside the various parts of your water heater from our team of technicians who provide water heater installation in Vacaville, CA: Tank: The tank is the part of the water heater that people are most familiar with, because it is... View Article
June 29, 2019 1:56 am
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A gas leak in your home or neighborhood is no joke. If your home has a natural gas pipe, it’s important to be aware of potential damage or cracks that could cause a leak. It’s important that joints and connectors are fully sealed and that the seals are free of cracks. If you’re having issues with your gas line, you may not realize that specialty plumbers can handle your gas line repair in Vacaville, CA, and may even be able to handle your problem in a more affordable way than the local gas company. Read on for common problems you... View Article